Stephenson County Drug Court

The Stephenson County Drug Court Program is a post-adjudicatory program certified by the Illinois Supreme Court. This program offers eligible defendants the opportunity to receive drug treatment in exchange for either, avoiding prison or jail sentence, or having the felony amended to a misdemeanor charge. Eligible defendants can elect to participate in the program or proceed with traditional court processing.

If participants meet eligibility criteria and choose to participate in the program, they come under the court’s supervision and are required to attend treatment sessions, undergo random drug and alcohol testing, and appear before the Drug Court Program Judge on a regular basis.

The Stephenson County Drug Court Program consists of five (5) phases, each entailing different expectations to be followed by the participants. Participants who have met the requirements of each phase are eligible to graduate from the program and their criminal matter is closed with the court.

In a post-adjudicatory Drug Court model, participants entering the Program are aware and agree to the terms of both a successful or unsuccessful completion of the Drug Court Program.

Drug Court Team
Judge Glenn Schorsch Presiding Drug Court Judge
Rebecca Peters Drug Court Coordinator
David RotheII Drug Court Probation Officer
Miles Schwartz Drug Court Treatment Representative
Alexis Hizel Assistant State's Attorney
Jenna Hoffman Assistant Public Defender

Click here for a printable brochure about our Drug Court Program.

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